Wednesday 1 July 2015

5 Efficacy of lime for Health

Lime juice consumed worldwide in the form of sorbet, drinks, cocktails, pickles, jams, jellies, snacks, sweets and also used in cooking. There are many types of citrus are found throughout the world, especially in tropical regions and that have a Mediterranean climate. Here are five properties of lime for fitness, as reported

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Symptoms of eye disorders in children

Visual impairment in children can impede development. Therefore, it takes a quick and precise handling.

Parents should pay more attention to the condition of the child from head to the tip of the nail because early childhood cannot understand the health problems they experienced. The following vision problems that are often experienced early childhood:

Refractive error

This disorder is an abnormal shape of the eye that causes one of the bays and causes the sight becomes blurred. This eye disorder can include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and cylinders. Factor genetic and bad habits to be the cause of this eye disorder. Symptoms are often shown disorders refractive patients are often squint when looking at objects from a distance or close.

Amblyopia or lazy eye

Amblyopia disorders caused by various factors that lead to the brain only processes visual information from the eye dominant. As a result, the child has a developmental disorder in sight. Even children can lose vision permanently if not immediately addressed. Beware when both eyes do not move together children, children tend memeiringkan head to look at something, and have eyelids down.

Strabismus or squint

Squint eye conditions are usually not in a parallel position. If left untreated, it can cause eye irritation amblyopia. There are several forms of strabismus symptoms:

1. esotropia that one or both eyes leads to the nose.

2. exotropia which one or both eyes pointing outwards.

3. Hypertrophy, which one or both eyes staring upward.

4. Hyperopia, the opposite of hyperopia.

Immediately consult a doctor if your child shows symptoms of abnormalities in vision.

The eye as an organ of sight, turned out to be cancerous. Although this type of disease is still very rare, as the type of cancer that attacks other body parts, eye cancer is also categorized as a dangerous disease. If not treated immediately will spread to other organs, which can also be fatal to lead to death.

Causes of eye cancer is not known with certainty. But there are some things that lead to the disease, including a lack of the element of pigment at the edges of the eyelid, too much exposure to sunlight, as well as a lack of nutrients in patients. As with several other types of cancer, eye cancer is also potentially decreases genetically. While real symptoms appear in the eye include blurred vision in one eye, the floaters or red spots in the eyes, the ball eyes look cross-eyed or bulging, like going out, and the patient will experience a loss of peripheral vision. Though this peripheral is responsible for detecting motion at an angle of view of the area, as well as to feel the danger coming. So if peripheral in a weakened state would endanger the patient during the move.

However, to determine the definitive diagnosis perform the checks to the ophthalmologist. On the first stage of the examination is done through a physical examination. This is to find a strong indication in patients that lead to cancer of the eye or not. Then proceed with the CT (scan) of the head, then known exactly after the results of the scan were taken to the laboratory and analyzed.

Meanwhile, efforts are doing to treat surgically or surgery. This surgery dilakuakn with tahapamm important to remove the tumor in the eye and break the chain of spread of cancer, in order not separate to nearby organs. Thereafter, treatment can be continued with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Monday 29 June 2015

20 Dangerous things, If You Often Eating Instant Noodles.

Health Effect eating Instant Noodles Frequently

Who does not know Instant Noodles. This food is very famous all over the world, especially in Asia. In Indonesia, this meal comes with a variety of brands and flavors also make food fan is not less. Actually, many people who understand that Instant Noodles is a food that has a hazard and not good for consumption. However, the effects of low prices also satiate the main reason why this health-threatening food still sold out. This is 20 kinds of dangers eat instant noodles highly lethal:

Sunday 28 June 2015

Anti Depression and more healthier: Taichi, Yoga, and Zumba Paractice

Benefit Taichi, Yoga, and Zumba

Zumba dance to make body healthier
Gretchen Reynolds, author of The First 20 Minutes write an interesting fact. Key happier and more productive life is moving on for twenty minutes a day. When practicing, the body releases endorphins that interact with receptors in the brain to reduce pain and trigger positive feelings in you. Practicing regularly is proven to reduce stress, anxiety, increase self-confidence, increase energy, and improve the quality of sleep. Other effects? It is certain organ systems of the body becomes healthier and you will look fresher.

Saturday 27 June 2015

Body Detox and Yoga: Benefit detox for the Perfect Health

Herbal detox for body

yoga for health
Our bodies over the years exposed to various substances that are toxic and could not be parsed or discarded. What happens is that accumulation in the body. Detox not only helps the body remove toxins, but also support a weight loss program. This was conveyed by Dr. Purushothaman Munirathinam in his book "Detox, Yoga, Instant Ways to Lose Weight".

In this book, specifically doctors Puru give tricks to lose weight by 2 kg in 3 days. Contains guided yoga and meditation conducted for 3 days, complete with hourly schedule. In addition to yoga and meditation, doctors Puru also provide detox drink recipes. With an educational background doctor of Naturopathy and Yoga Science graduate fields provide a strong science base to develop a detox program that is safe, natural, and easy to apply. Here is a little review of infused water and melon juices of doctors Puru:
Infused water
Start the day by filling the stomach with water infused before cardio. Prepare this drink by soaking the fruit, store in the refrigerator for one night. Then consumption in the morning before practice. Infused water is the most effective way to consume water that is needed to remove toxins from the body. In addition, the active substance of fruits, vegetables, and leaves the marinade give "more value", both nutrition and detoxification process efficient.

Cucumbers and water-rich fruits such as watermelon are excellent for detoxification because these fruits contain a substance "citruline", ie amino acids that have been shown to help improve the work of the liver (liver) and renal and cleaning of substance amonia.Amonia is one of the toxins that overload our bodies as a result of processes occurring in the environment, outside of our bodies. However, ammonia is also a result of the body's proteins that burned continuously in an effort to get energy. The danger, pile "ammonia" is not released by the body as a result of liver and kidney function is less than optimal, can damage body cells.

Lemon or lime juice can stimulate and regulate digestive tract. Especially constipation, relieve complaints amount of gas in the gastrointestinal tract and uluhati pain. Lemon juice also helps break down fats in the bile of work that we consume daily.

Melon juice

Fruit Juice herbal detox
Melon, like watermelon, fall into the category of fruit that contains a lot of water. Of course water is very important in the detox process. However, especially melon also contains vitamins A, B complex, C, and minerals potassium and magnesium. Water content and a high natural sugar content in the melon makes this fruit to be one option to prevent dehydration as well as the body's need for sugar sufficient so that new energy can be obtained you who are in a detox program. Substances "citruline" in the melon also can rid the body of ammonia. You just need to cut 100 grams of ripe melon and mix it with 150 cc boiled water, then puree in a blender. Then serve cold and consume immediately. In the process of detox, Puru doctors recommend drinking melon juice at 3 pm.

Friday 26 June 2015

Herbal herb to prevent depression

Herb herbal Depression


Papaya fruit is one kind of natural medicine for depression that contain nutrients that help and manage stress well on anyone. The content of this nutrient could help provoke the production of anti-stress hormones in the human body. And based on research conducted showed that papaya with a large size to contain 200 mg vitamin content of peppermint Tea

Thursday 25 June 2015

How To Remove Wrinkles Skin Face Quickly

Tips on How to remove wrinkles naturaly / Facial wrinkles Quickly

Cause quickly arise wrinkles / wrinkles on the face.
Before stepping into the core points of this article are tips on how to disguise / tackle wrinkles on the face, to deepen your knowledge on this issue, little I have described some of the triggers or causes a person to experience facial wrinkles faster than normal, the following triggers:
  • Frequency sleep late / staying up.
  • Stressing high level due to work or other psychological problems.
  • Often clubbing (heavy smokers, drink alcohol).
  • Grumpy.
  • Etc.