Monday 8 June 2015


Herbal Medicine for HIV patient

An AIDS herbal medicine, which is believed to cure HIV / AIDS one of which is oil and urine. The number of AIDS herbal medicines proves how the role of humans who continually seek AIDS drugs are potent and efficacious in an effort to dampen the transmission and spread of HIV / AIDS. As good as red fruit which is also widely believed to be some people as an AIDS herbal medicine that can cure the disease.

-Aids drug-herbalDari In his script, "The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil" (Coconut Oil Miracle Healer Yang, mold 3rd, 2003) Dr. Bruce Fife reported an incident following cases.
In September 1996 an HIV / AIDS patient named Chris Dafoe, lived in Cloverdale, Indiana, USA, felt that his lifetime will not be a great deal longer. Her weight continued to decline drastically, as well as power and strength increasingly reduced. He felt his body getting worse daily. This is caused because of his HIV infection was rampant undermined all parts of his body. Results of laboratory tests showed that the latter is in the blood have been found more than 600,000 viral RNA, and this is an indication that she was really close to the threshold of death.

Under conditions to welcome the day of his death, he immediately sold all his possessions and began to prepare for his funeral purposes. All costs need to purchase a casket, cemetery plot and cost required for the maintenance of penguburuannya ceremony has been paid in advance. Before he died, he wanted to fulfill for himself a vow to use all of the rest of the power and energy of the latter, to go on holiday to an area in the interior of one of the forests in the Pacific islands. Finally, he chose a small country, namely the Republic of Suriname.

Once there he went on his journey to the countryside and live together with people of Indian tribes. During his stay there, he is living a life in accordance with their customs, and eating foods such as daily eaten by the locals. Every day has presented dishes always contains a mixture of coconut fruit.
On one day, the Indian chief told Dafoe, he said "they are using coconuts as the main ingredients for making all kinds of herbs. They also wear a coconut milk mixed with a variety of materials of various types of trees and herbs found in the surrounding woods to gather all kinds of drugs for treating various diseases. Every morning breakfast routine they are a dish that is always mixed with coconut cooked and say this is a dish such as disease prevention.

During the life of the Indian tribes of the village, state of health Dafoe every day progressed, the strength and energy is becoming increasingly felt increased, and the weight was increased no less than 16 kilograms. After spending six weeks on vacation, he then returned to America and immediately go check his state of health. This time, the results of laboratory examination showed that his blood, which was originally in heavily infected with the HIV virus, is now greatly reduced once, to the extent that is very difficult to detect, and she did not think it could be a drug coconut herbal AIDS.

Dafoe and continue the habit of eating coconut cooked for breakfast and mixed with hot cereal grains. He was convinced that the habit of breakfast with a mixture of cooked coconut every day has been able to control his HIV infection. Now he can mengenyam back to normal life and feel happy. With the spirit of the new life he got, he said, "I feel healthy and sound back. Spirit and my energy are now much better than before. "

Coconut oil into AIDS Herbal Medicines that can kill HIV Virus
What is the difference between fat and oil? The terms fat and oil are often used as odd. Literally the difference actually is; The first will remain solid (solid) at room temperature, while the latter will remain a liquid (liquid). For example, "lard" (lard) is called fat, whereas corn oil is called oil. Though both groups in terms of fat and chemistry called fats or fatty acids.

Saturated fat is triglyceride (triglyceride), as well as unsaturated fats is triglycerides well. Triglyceride each molecule contains three fatty acid molecules. Based on its chemical structure, the presence or absence of double bonds in the fatty acid molecules contained in trigleserida, the type of fat can be divided into three groups; namely (1) Saturated fat (saturated fatty acids), (2) monounsaturated fats (mono-unsaturated fatty acids) and (3) Polyunsaturated fats (poly-unsaturated fatty acids). See below:

Palm oil and other palm oils are oils that naturally contain medium chain fatty acid groups (MCFA) and short chain (SCFA) whose levels are the highest among all types of cooking oil. Special trait which distinguishes coconut oil with palm oil and other edible oils. Vegetable oil did not contain MCFA, while other types of palm oil managing only a few MCFA.

Coconut oil and palm oil is the richest source of MCFA among all cooking oils that could be herbal AIDS drugs. Containing 58% palm oil and coconut oil contain MCFA 64% MCFA. Since both types of this oil have the highest content of MCFA, then both biologically and chemically influence and positive impact on the health conditions and special our bodies, and also has the properties of microbial killer.

MCFA types contained in coconut oil are a type of medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCFA) such as lauric acid (lyric acid), kaprilik acid (Caprylic acid) and Capric acid (Capric acid). In the body lauric acid, kaprilik acid and Capric acid will be directly absorbed and dimetaboliser in the liver to produce energy. Fat is not formed nor make cholesterol.

Other properties are very precious and special of the three medium chain saturated fatty acid that has the potential to kill microbes, the cell membrane (Cell Membrane) it consists of a layer of unsaturated fatty acids long-chain (LCFA), by destroying cell membranes. Some types of microbes already evidence with chain saturated fatty acids such saturated medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) are contained in coconut oil, can be a kind of potent antibiotics. It is known that HIV virus membrane layer consists of a layer of long chain fatty acids unsaturated (LCFA), then it could be destroyed by the fatty acids being derived from coconut oil. To support the discovery, below is a report on the results of clinical trials Prof. Dr. Conrado Dayrit, MD, a professor of pharmacology at the University of the Philippines and also a former president of the National Academy of Science and Technology, Phillipines.
Prof. Dayrit conduct a comparative study using 14 patients with HIV whose age ranged from 22 to 38 years. All 14 of these patients were divided into 3 groups. All the patients had not previously been given anti-HIV drugs.
The group I (four patients) was given 22 grams of monolaurin (monoglyceride of lauric acid, which is derived from coconut oil extract) per day. Group II (5 patients) was given 7.5 grams of monolaurin and group III (5 patients) were given 3.5 tablespoons of coconut oil alone. Monolaurin amount contained in 3.5 tablespoons of it is the equivalent of 22 grams of monolaurin. After 3 months of treatment, was found in 7 patients (50%) the amount of HIV virus in the blood has begun to diminish.
This clinical trial is terminated at the end of the 6th month. And of the 14 patients in this trial of 9 patients (64%) experienced a reduction in the amount of virus in the blood; were found 2 of 4 patients (50%) in group I, four out of five people (80%) in group II and 3 patients out of five (60%) in group III. Whereas 11 patients had improvement and weight gain, and they seem to progress. Preliminary results of these clinical trials support the results of the field observation report, that coconut oil is effective against HIV is becoming a powerful Herbal Aids drugs.
Urine, Nutrition and Calorie Source Worthy
Research experts urine therapy field reported that the urine was not a useless waste fluid or toxic as it is presumed by most experts in the field of medicine and health, and also by a layman. Urine is actually a very valuable raw material for the manufacture of patented drugs (more than 20 kinds of patent medicines and cosmetics, and is also an ingredient valuable nutrients and calories, which is derived from extracts of urine).
Because urine contains various types of minerals, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, antibodies, essential amino acids and non-essential, and other useful compounds. Until now it was discovered more than 300 kinds of active ingredient compounds. This compound material is not only found in its pure form, but also has DI bio-enabled, so it can easily be absorbed by the body without the need for enzymes that aid could be herbal AIDS drugs.
So in the process of absorption of the energy it takes no calories whatsoever. Though in small numbers, but because recycled by mouth continuously throughout the day, there will be a snowball effect. Thus, it is very useful for people who are sick and weak body, because it has the effect of self-healing power which could be Aids Herbal medicine.
Have urine Immunity Effects
According to Prof. Dr. Ryoich Nakao, MD Director Miracle Cup of Liquid, Urine Research Institute in Japan, clearly stated that the urine is not toxic, although found some toxic substances or antigens in the urine, but the amount is very small, and especially when someone is sick, toxic substances or antigens which in small quantities is even donate the effectiveness of urine therapy.
When toxic substances or antigens (e.g., HIV) already weakened (attenuated) back into the body, the mechanism of the body's defense system reacts immediately. Substances, or antigens out of the body along with the urine, is equal to the substances (antigens) are involved in the disease process being experienced. Then the antigen or the virus will download stimuler power the body's defense system to form antibodies to fight a specific disease, and means will fight against the disease being suffered.
This process is analogous to what happens when a doctor vaccinate, where small amounts of antigen or virus that has been weakened (attenuated) injected (DPT, MMR) or drunk (Polio) back into the body, so as to stimulate the body's defense system to produce power anti-bodies to fight the disease in question. If people living with HIV / AIDS drank his own urine that had the HIV virus, it will be a vaccine against the disease, in this case called auto-vaccine.
Besides forming humoral antibodies, urine also stimulates and increase the production of T-lymphocyte cells, especially in the case of HIV / AIDS, which is an enhanced class of CD-4. Thus the auto urine therapy is very useful and efficacious for the treatment of HIV / AIDS.
In scientific meetings 2nd World Conference on Urine Therapy held in Gersfeld, Germany, has been reported 3 results and research experience of auto urine therapy against HIV / AIDS with the details as follows: (1) 1 case on his own experience by Cesar Perez Falero, (2) The first cases of HIV were reported by Alex Lattanzi, and (3) report the results of treatment of 33 cases of HIV by Dr. Victoria Seme. These three reports are listed in the Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Urine Therapy, Gersfeld, Germany, May 1999. And in the book smart, Urine Therapy, by Mega Tantre, Publisher Taramedia and Restu Agung, 2001, contains 5 witness statements about the effectiveness of urine therapy against HIV / AIDS.
The end-result other way HIV / AIDS treatment by the method of multiple drug cocktails while successful enough to lower the amount of virus load (viral load) in the blood, so people who are HIV positive do not quickly move on to stage further, to AIDS and death. However feared, in addition to costs that are too high ($ 15.000.- / person / year), after a long time in this way can also lead to the virus becoming resistant to the drugs used.
Therefore, it must be sought in other ways, for example by giving a kind of extra food, which contains a component that has the properties can suppress or kill the virus. Incidentally discovery Prof. Jon Kabara and his team of Michigan State University who has researched and pause for not less than 30 years, it has been found that coconut oil has the properties as desired.
It turns active ingredients such as antibiotics that are contained in coconut oil are the ones Mediun Chain Saturated Fatty Acids, which consists of three types of fatty acids, IE, lauric acid (lauric acid), kaprilik acid (Caprylic acid) and Capric acid (Capric acid). Among these three components, lauric acid is the most potent and most levels are also high at 48%, while the concentration of acid and Capric acid kaprilik each only 7 and 8% only.
Has dibuktikkan also that the medium chain saturated fatty acids (saturated medium chain fatty acids) can destroy the cell membrane, to the HIV virus becomes dead. This coconut oil is a type of oil that is the most superior, distinctive and special, because it contains the type of medium chain saturated fatty acids. Lauric acid contained 48%, almost as high as the levels of lauric acid, which is found in breast milk (45-50%). For people living with HIV / AIDS in addition to drinking coconut oil, also recommended to eat coconuts, whether in young coconut water, young and old, fresh or dried because of it being an herbal remedy aids. Drinking fresh coconut milk is also very useful. It was reported that every 50 grams of dried coconut fruit is equivalent to 20-25 grams of lauric acid, a potential and much needed to fight the HIV virus.
Other properties that are beneficial and useful for our health when coconut oil is consumed, in the body immediately dimetaboliser to produce energy and not altered or stored as fat deposits in the fatty tissue of the body, nor is converted into cholesterol and into the bloodstream. Instead, all kinds of cooking oil (which is not made from coconut) that consumed most is converted into fat and deposited as fat in the fat tissue of the body, partly into cholesterol and enter the bloodstream.
There is also a more serious, cooking oils that contain double bonds (double bond) either monounsaturated fatty acids or a double, so if the oil is heated, it will be transformed into trains. Cooking oil with trans form has proved highly detrimental and negative impact on our health, because he is as free radicals (free radicals).
Results of research of Prof. Jon Kabara of Michigan State University, has alerted us, that almost for 3 decades, we have been lied to by industry cooking oil. Because they claim that they are pure oil, containing mono and poly-unsaturated, are far superior and safer for health than coconut oil, because he would not result in the formation of cholesterol. Now just known and has been proved that it was not true.
Similarly margarine made from unsaturated fatty acid oils single or double, which is saturated by compressing hydrogen atom on the double bond (unsaturated fatty acids Hydrogenated oil), is a transform as well, so it is free radicals, which can cause various types of degenerative diseases Such chronic coronary heart disease, diabetes, asthma, autoimmune disease, cancer and so on.
Similarly, if the unsaturated oils were reused for frying (deep fried) several times, there will be polymerized, so that the used cooking oil appeared lumpy and berkonsistensi like car oil. Such jelatah oil is bad for the body and can cause chronic degenerative diseases and cancer. If forced, not to cook using cooking oil for more than 4 times.
Drinking urine will work in synergy with coconut oil which will be the herbal medicinal aids. Because it is a source of valuable nutrients and calories for the body weak and ailing. It also can improve the body's defense system with the power to produce antibodies, both the humoral and the cellular (mainly to improve cell-T-lymphocytes, CD4) so that it can fight HIV / AIDS.
Even though at first the amount of compounds in urine such as minerals, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, amino acids and non-essential, essential, antibodies, etc., the amount is small, but because of constantly recycled continuously by mouth every time urination along day for being sick, then the number of elements contained gradually was great as well, due to the snowball effect. And finally he has a self-healing properties of the power to cure her illness.
Thus a combination of coconut oil and urine are couples hormones and potential, because the first kills the virus and the end to produce antibodies against the disease.
More importantly, the use of coconut oil and urine as an alternative treatment is that it can be justified scientifically and medically. The cost required almost meaningless, because coconut oil is relatively cheap and if necessary made themselves at home. Raw materials abundant coconut fruit available throughout the archipelago peloksok our beloved endlessly throughout the year. Instead urine that comes from the grace of God, provided lifelong our lives and given freely. Urine itself can be obtained anytime and anywhere.
Now many are found, whether in India, Europe, China, Japan, America and other countries, hospital, hospitals that serve patients with the treatment regimen disposable urine. Also in these countries the existing institutions - research lenaga urine. Treatment of auto urine therapy is now experiencing a tremendous resurgence and has been worldwide with evidence since 1996 has been the implementation of three times World Conference on Urine Therapy. The first in India in February 1996, the second in Germany in May 1999 and the third in the recent April 2003 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
No one else could John W. Armstrong, a pioneer of modern times trapped urine from the UK, called the urine as The Water of Life. Koen van de Kroon, urine therapy renowned experts from the Netherlands referred to it as The Golden Fountain, and the god Shiva from India, 5000 years ago has been named The Holy Water!
Auto urine therapy for 5000 years ago until now still exist and continue to be used in the treatment. It is membuktikkan that urine was bermanfaatan and efficacious as complementary and alternative medicine, and has been recognized worldwide. While coconut oil or kelentik, Dr. Bruce Fife says in his book, that he is a miraculous cure and cheapest in the world!

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  4. I want to share my testimony on how i get cure of my HIV diseases with the help of Doctor idahosa, i have being suffering for this disease for a very long time now.i have try several means to get rid of of the HIV disease for the last three years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr idahosa and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr idahosa telling him about my HIV Virus he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Doctor assured me that i am cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr idahosa on [] sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends and to share this to every one that have any of this sickness you can call his whatssAp mobile via +2348134261542
