Visual impairment in children can impede
development. Therefore, it takes a quick and precise handling.
Parents should pay more attention to the
condition of the child from head to the tip of the nail because early childhood
cannot understand the health problems they experienced. The following vision
problems that are often experienced early childhood:
Refractive error
This disorder is an abnormal shape of the eye
that causes one of the bays and causes the sight becomes blurred. This eye
disorder can include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and cylinders. Factor
genetic and bad habits to be the cause of this eye disorder. Symptoms are often
shown disorders refractive patients are often squint when looking at objects
from a distance or close.
Amblyopia or lazy eye
Amblyopia disorders caused by various factors
that lead to the brain only processes visual information from the eye dominant.
As a result, the child has a developmental disorder in sight. Even children can
lose vision permanently if not immediately addressed. Beware when both eyes do
not move together children, children tend memeiringkan head to look at
something, and have eyelids down.
Strabismus or squint
Squint eye conditions are usually not in a parallel
position. If left untreated, it can cause eye irritation amblyopia. There are
several forms of strabismus symptoms:
1. esotropia that one or both eyes leads to
the nose.
2. exotropia which one or both eyes pointing
3. Hypertrophy, which one or both eyes staring
4. Hyperopia, the opposite of hyperopia.
Immediately consult a doctor if your child shows
symptoms of abnormalities in vision.
The eye as an organ of sight, turned out to be
cancerous. Although this type of disease is still very rare, as the type of
cancer that attacks other body parts, eye cancer is also categorized as a
dangerous disease. If not treated immediately will spread to other organs,
which can also be fatal to lead to death.
Causes of eye cancer is not known with
certainty. But there are some things that lead to the disease, including a lack
of the element of pigment at the edges of the eyelid, too much exposure to
sunlight, as well as a lack of nutrients in patients. As with several other
types of cancer, eye cancer is also potentially decreases genetically. While
real symptoms appear in the eye include blurred vision in one eye, the floaters
or red spots in the eyes, the ball eyes look cross-eyed or bulging, like going
out, and the patient will experience a loss of peripheral vision. Though this
peripheral is responsible for detecting motion at an angle of view of the area,
as well as to feel the danger coming. So if peripheral in a weakened state
would endanger the patient during the move.
However, to determine the definitive diagnosis
perform the checks to the ophthalmologist. On the first stage of the
examination is done through a physical examination. This is to find a strong
indication in patients that lead to cancer of the eye or not. Then proceed with
the CT (scan) of the head, then known exactly after the results of the scan
were taken to the laboratory and analyzed.
Meanwhile, efforts are doing to treat surgically
or surgery. This surgery dilakuakn with tahapamm important to remove the tumor
in the eye and break the chain of spread of cancer, in order not separate to nearby organs.
Thereafter, treatment can be continued with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.